Listing Products on Temu: A Step-by-Step Guide

Benefits of Listing Products on Temu

  • Increased Visibility: Listing products on Temu increases your visibility, making it easier for customers to find and purchase your products.
  • Competitive Advantage: Accurate and detailed product listings can give you a competitive advantage, setting your products apart from others.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Well-structured product listings provide customers with essential information, improving their shopping experience.

Requirements for Listing Products on Temu

  • Product Information: Details about the products you want to sell, including descriptions, images, pricing, and inventory information.
  • High-Quality Product Images: Clear, well-lit, and high-quality images of your products from different angles.
  • Product Variations: Information about product variations, such as size, color, and material.

Step-by-Step Guide to Listing Products on Temu

  1. Prepare Your Product Information
  2. Create a New Product Listing
  3. Add Product Title and Description
  4. Add Product Images
  5. Set Product Pricing and Inventory
  6. Add Product Variations
  7. Set Product Categories and Keywords
  8. Review and Publish Your Listing
  9. Monitor and Update Your Listings

Tips and Best Practices

  • Accurate Product Descriptions: Ensure that your product descriptions are accurate, detailed, and up-to-date.
  • High-Quality Product Images: Use high-quality product images to showcase your products from different angles.
  • Competitive Pricing: Research your competitors and set competitive prices for your products.
  • Regularly Update Listings: Regularly update your product listings to reflect changes in pricing, inventory, or product information.

Common Issues and Solutions

  • Product Listing Errors: Double-check your product listings for errors, and use Temu's product listing guidelines to ensure accuracy.
  • Image Upload Issues: Ensure that your product images meet Temu's image requirements, and contact Temu support if you encounter any issues.
  • Pricing and Inventory Issues: Regularly monitor your product pricing and inventory, and update them as necessary to avoid errors.


Listing products on Temu is a crucial step in selling products on the platform. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create accurate and detailed product listings, improving your visibility, competitiveness, and customer experience. Remember to stay up-to-date with Temu's policies and best practices to ensure a smooth and successful selling experience.